How to set ZWCAD as the default CAD software to open DWG files?

How to set ZWCAD as the default CAD software to open DWG files? There are not only one CAD software installed in the computer, whenever double click a CAD DWG file, it launch a CAD software to open it. How to set ZWCAD as the default CAD software to open *.dwg file? 

check it out!
How to set ZWCAD as the default CAD software to open DWG files?

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autocad autosave settings? how to setup autocad auto save?

how to setup autocad autosaveSettings like the time period for each auto save, the savetime.

check the answer from CAD forum!

autocad autosave settings? how to setup autocad auto save?

You may like more threads about “autosave” and “SV$” on CAD forum: 

5. sv$ to dwg, how to change sv$ to dwg, what is SV$ file? Where is SV$ location

How to calculate area of irregular shape in autocad? area of multiple objects?

How to calculate area of irregular shape in autocad? How to calculate the area of multiple objects? It is easy to calculate the area of simple object, such as circle or rectangle. But when come to a complex object, AREA command doesn't work. How to calculate the area of a irregular shape of 2D geometric object? 

check the details from CAD forum:
How to calculate area of irregular shape in autocad? area of multiple objects?

calculate area of irregular shape autocad


You may like more threads about “calculate area” on CAD forum:

1. How to calculate area of irregular polygon in autocad?

2. Is it possible to measure area enclosed by a polyline?

3. how to measure area in autocad? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------